AquaSmarter M75: Antibacterial and anti-algae capsule for your Camper, Caravan or Boat water storage vessels (OUT OF STOCK)


What are the applications for which the AquaSmarter capsule can be successfully used?

  • It can be used in water tanks that equip campers, caravans, boats;
  • It can be used to preserve drinking water, by inserting the AquaSmarter capsule into a container with water;
  • It can be inserted into a tank with water so that it remains clean, without developing algae;
  • It can alternatively be used in swimming pools, hot tubs, artesian fountains (in the technical area) to reduce the chlorine dosage by approximately 15% – 30%. We recommend having 0.5 ppm residual chlorine in the water from private pools and 1 ppm in the water from public pools.

Important note: The AquaSmarter capsule is a product for prevention, not to solve existing problems. See:

How many Aquasmarter M75 capsules are needed to treat water effectively?

  • To keep drinking water in a water tank – 1 capsule per 500 liters
  • For swimming pools 1 M75 capsule per 10,000 liters of water;
  • Petru hot tubs/jacuzzi – 1 capsule per 1000 liters of water.

How to install the AquaSmarter M75 antibacterial capsule?

In the case of water tanks, it will be placed in the tank, in the water supply area. It will simply be tied with a string or copper wire. The idea is for the water to pass over and through the capsule, when the water tank is fed. The capsule must be submerged in water.

In the case of swimming pools, hydromassage tubs and artesian fountains, it will simply be placed on the water recirculation line (In skimmer);

How does the AquaSmarter M75 antibacterial capsule work?

The capsule works by ionizing water. That is, it spreads antibacterial nano particles in the water. The antibacterial and anti-algae nano particles are: copper (Cu ++) and silver (Ag +), Zinc (Zn).

How long can the AquaSmarter M75 antibacterial / anti-algae capsule be used?

The period of use is 12 months from activation, i.e. from immersion in water. However, if the need to store water in a water tank is not permanent, you can remove the capsule from the water and it will stop its treatment activity. It can be reintroduced into the water when needed. In this way, the period of use can be extended, but not more than 12 months for permanent contact with water.

What is the antibacterial and anti-algae capsule AquaSmarter M75 composed of?

The capsule contains 5 essential elements for water treatment: silver, copper, palladium, zinc and carbon.

EPA certification No.: 075702-CRI-00
Produced in: Costa Rica

Out of stock


The AquaSmater can be placed in your camper, caravan or boat water storage vessels so that it prevents the development of algae and bacteria.

Important note: The purpose of this capsule is not to remove bacteria from the water. But only to create an antibacterial effect in the water, i.e. to prevent the development of bacteria and implicitly algae.


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