France Passion – exploring rural France with a camper: park overnight in vineyards or at fruit, cheese and honey producers

TzubyCAMPERS France France Passion – exploring rural France with a camper: park overnight in vineyards or at fruit, cheese and honey producers

More and more countries are imposing restrictions on off-camping, but more and more elegant and, at least interesting, solutions are becoming available for motorhome tourism.

In France, for example, you can pay a one-night visit or a 24-hour mini-stay at a local cheese, honey or vineyard producer. You thus have the opportunity to enjoy local products and safely enjoy nature in its purest form.

The France Passion concept was invented when the editor of a wine magazine noticed that more and more motorhomes were exploring the wine regions of France. He realized that it was not easy for them to find a safe place to park overnight in these rural areas.

His idea was to organize a network of winegrowers who could provide free private parking on their land and were happy to welcome tourists with caravans and motorhomes throughout the year for an overnight stay or a 24-hour stay. Dozens of vineyard owners have decided to join, convinced that the France Passion system will make visiting their area an easier and more rewarding experience for caravans. That was in 1993.

In the meantime, fruit, cheese and honey producers have joined the network as a result of a partnership with the Chambers of Agriculture and the Bienvenue à la Ferme network, and the network has been expanded with the help of Vignerons Indépendants de France (National Confederation of Independent Winegrowers). ), including Alsace, Bordeaux, Champagne, Burgundy, Jura and the Loire Valley.

France Passion now covers the whole of France, expanding to accommodate the growing number of campers coming from Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Finland… and, of course, Romania.

Today the France Passion concept is available at over 2,000 properties – winemakers and farmers alike.
